Want a Guitar Now?

Taking care of your new or second hand used Guitar.

  1. First and most important things to get used to doing is Buy a stand this is a very small investment approx $30, this is going save you a lot of heartache believe me I know the upset i have seen off customers whose guitars have broken guitar necks. Always keep it on your stand when you are not playing, this will protect your precious investment.

da auisto new yorker Guitar care Tips: 

  • Keep your guitar in the case when it is not being used
  • Better still invest in a guitar stand.You will be glad you did.
  • Wipe down the guitar with a clean, dry cloth after playing
  • Replace the strings when necessary
  • Oil the fingerboard just light wipe then polish till dry.
  • A good polish i use Dunlop 65 great results
  • Store in a room with a stable temperature and humidity 
  • If in doubt take it to a luthier
  • Insure your guitar is not left in a to hot or cold place like in the back of a car
  • treat the guitar like a person not to hot or cold or damp environment.
  • Finally if possible see that your insurance covers your guitar especially if taking it out of the house.
  • When someone comes to me for a guitar,i ask a lot of questions and find out what will ffit and work best 
  • for the individuals then make a cople of suggestions to help choose your life time friend.

Shop Hours

Shop hours:
Mon-Fri: 10:00am - 4.30pm
Sat: 10:00am - 1:00pm


21A Khyber Pass Road
Mt Eden
Auckland 1023
New Zealand

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